Monday, October 06, 2008

Blogged Down

I took Lynne to Germany for her latest MS treatment. It was a helpful treatment. More on that later. It is not a simple matter to keep blogging while traveling. Furthermore, it is expensive to connect to the Internet these days. 3 hours for $12 in Austria! And, that was the bargain rate! If I used my laptop, I could get this "bargain" price. If I used their PC the cost was $1.50 for 10 minutes! Groan!

But, there was a bookstore nearby that offered 20 minutes for $1.50. The problem there was a slow computer.

So, I got blogged down.

I logged onto Facebook to give a quick report as to where we were and what we were doing. The high cost prevented much more than that. I am on Gmail and Hotmail, so, I checked my accounts to answer questions about Camp Monty, work teams for Slovakia, one of our missionaries in the States trying to raise his support, family items from our children or grandchildren, board members, information about upcoming meetings and similar subjects. So, my answers were quick replies.

Still, my costs were moving past $50 for the 10 days that we were away.

Blogged down! But, I am blogging again. Check back for some news items.



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