Monday, December 10, 2007

The Value of Encouragement

Perhaps you are like me and you can remember certain individuals who were great encouragers to you in your early years. What a blessing! Therefore, it is important for me to encourage others today. I need to pass on to others what I received earlier.

I find that it is important to reach out to others and not to focus on myself. Others need my words of encouragement, my positive influence, my smile, my listening ear, etc. It seems that others do better when I encourage them and act in a positive way with them. People are grateful for encouragement and seem to need it often.

How about you? Need an encouraging word? Need a listening ear? Need someone to believe in you and to encourage you? Sure you do! Then, think about others and give them the same! They will be grateful! And, it will come back to you in a positive way . . . you will be encouraged, too!

A smile almost always generates a smile a return. A kind word usually comes back to you with a kind word in return. A genuine compliment is welcomed and the one who receives it begins to think of something kind to say to show their appreciation.

So, I encourage you! Reach out to others with encouragement . . . and, you too, will be encouraged!



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