Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dateline: Montenegro

I am in Montenegro right now. There is a new Update available if you are interested. Write me at if you would like to receive the latest news that Montenegro Is On Fire! So, I am here visiting with teens who made decisions at Camp Monty 2008. I was in one home yesterday evening visiting with a 14 year old girl and her younger sisters all of which came to camp. Her mother was glad to meet me with the 14 year old, Dragana, translating for me. Then, the father came home from work. They were so hospitable!

On the way back I was walking and bumped into another 14 year old who made a decision at camp. She seemed so happy to see me. Likewise! She had a different glow on her face. What do I mean? She radiated happiness ... she is different ... she changed. This summer she seemed troubled and tentative. Yesterday? What a difference! When I asked her about her new faith in Christ she joyfully told me that she is doing great. She was vibrant! Oh yes, her mother was with her and she had a positive reaction as well. Her mother seemed so glad that her daughter has a friendship with me. Evidently, the daughter saw me before I saw her and she told her mother who I am and about the camp. This kind of positive reaction is very precious. I am thrilled.

Read the Update to find out what happened the previous day with Albanian soccer pros who came to the Montenegron soccer complex. TV interview and much more. Catch it in the Eric Murphy Update October 2008.



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