Friday, December 11, 2009

Airline Travel

Airline travel is a hassle. The airport security process is an aggravation. 9 people are needed to oversee this process at a small airport? Come on! This number does not include the ones snooping through my suitcase. They are one floor below running the x-ray screening process and opening my suitcase to check my vitamins. Yes, vitamins. Oops! My bottle of zinc tablets was left open. Nice! 200+ white zinc tablets in every nook and cranny of my suitcase. Thank you?

Take your laptop out. Take off your belt. Take off your shoes. Take off your coat. "No change in your pockets," snaps the lady.

With a dour expression, "Do you have any liquids?"

I am pondering telling her about my bladder being a bit too full.

No, I didn't say this.

I thought that I might have to empty ... oh, I better stop this. Sorry. Well, sort of.

Then, you pad across the tile floor to go through the x-ray machine. You are treated as though you are the country's greatest potential danger.

He wants to see my airline ticket. Good grief! I just showed this along with my ID to his colleague just a few feet back. Of course, I could have altered the ticket with my portable photocopy machine or maybe I talked with a mysterious person hiding under a table that nine TSA peope had not seen. Or, maybe my "Superman" eyes burned new information onto the ticket. Do they any intelligence at all? [Seriously, I have met some nice people working at some of these security locations ... none are located in New York or New Jersey].

OK, proceed to put all of our stuff back into the computer case and handbags.

Uh-oh, I had some of our magnetic calendars in one of our handbags.

"Is this your bag, sir?" [Total look of distrust and suspicion is on the face of the inquisitor].

"Come here for an inspection," is the command. My laptop is still out, my belt is now hanging around my neck ... I have one shoe on and the other is on the conveyor belt moving away from me.

"Sir, I am waiting."

Well, that generated a direct look into his eyes, "I am not finished. When I am finished I will be with you." My eyes did not flinch. Back to dressing and packing. He waited and he was not happy.

That made me happy.



Blogger Merrill said...

Good for you, Eric. That's why I drive all over the country instead of flying.

4:44 AM  

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