Sunday, January 13, 2008

Meeting in Dunakeszi

This church meets in a large home that is the office and ministry center of a Hungarian prison ministry. They house about 4 men who were in prison with problems with drugs or alcohol. They teach these men to work and help them fit back into society. Of course, they lead them to Christ as part of this process. Hard work to say the least! I met the leader of this mission in 1990 and a few times since then. He is Hungarian and I am very impressed with him. Their church is Brethren, but the people actually come from several denominations because there was no evangelical church in their town when they started the church in 1992.

We ate lunch with the leader and his family, also, with one of their workers and his family and the men that they minister to . . . great fellowship! There were about 35 to 40 in attendance jammed pack into the home. The air was becoming stale quickly, but they opened a window and this helped. They want me to come back to speak again either on a Sunday morning and/or a Friday night with they have what they call a Tea Club [young people's meeting].

On the way back to our home Lynne remarked that she really enjoyed this day and loved the fellowship with the people. I quickly agreed! It was a great day!

By the way, this was the 287th church that I have preached in here in Hungary since June 1989. Of course, I have spoken in some of these churches 10 to 12 times and in some of them only one time. So, there have been a lot of meetings here in Hungary where I have served.



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